Every year in spring, the Austrian research funding organization (in German “FFG – Forschungsförderungs-gesellschaft” awards the best 20 “young talents” out of 1500 high school students who did an internship in various companies and scientific research institutions for four weeks during the summer before. Young talents internships allow high school students to experience research and development live. The aim is to encourage girls and boys to follow natural sciences, engineering and technology. Each internship is funded with 1,200 Euro.

Credits: MathConsult GmbH
Well, as mentioned above, only 20 students can win, now it’s my pleasure to proudly announce that Robert Niebsch is one of the lucky winners! He did his internship at MathConsult GmbH in Linz, Austria, a hosting company. The topic of Robert’s internship was “Medical image processing by diffusion filters”. Robert did a very good job. Congratulations!
The award ceremony took place on March 7, 2019 at Vienna’s Urania, where
all 2018 winners met and talked about their topics – and, finally they
found their way back home, accompanied by a new iPad mini and holding a
nice certificate in their hands.

Credits: Astrid Knie

Andreas Binder and Markus Pöttinger.
Credits: Astrid Knie